A few months before I turned 20, I found myself in the center of a storm. My whole world had fallen apart. I had dropped out of college, the love of my life, my finance and I broke up and I saw no hope. I went into a deep depression. I asked God why I was created and oddly enough, I believed He had spoken to Abraham and to Moses so of course He could speak to me.
Then I opened all sorts of doors. Got involved with drugs, the occult, casual sexual relationships, a theatre company and even toured Europe with them for a summer.
What was the most devastating set of circumstances ended up being the catalyst for the most important decision I would ever make. So odd and so dramatic for a 20 year old.
One fall night a year into this season, I decided I had to know the truth. My friends told me that God had a Son named Jesus. They told me He was alive and walked the earth. The concept went against everything this Jewish girl knew and believed. I told my friends, I believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; He answers my prayers. And my friends challenged me. “IF God answers your prayers, ask Him if He has a Son named Jesus.”
And so I did. I told God, I knew He wouldn’t lie to me. I said, ”If You have a Son and His name is Jesus, show me.”
And He did! Just like that, I knew.
Maybe you are in a crisis. Maybe you have questions, concerns, anxieties. The world, this country is pretty crazy looking right now. Up is down and down is up. Right is wrong, wrong is right. You don’t know who or what to believe anymore. Lying seems to have become the new normal.
There is one Truth that never changes. There is one hope that is eternal. He is Y’hovah, HaShem, Adonai, Sar Shalom, Y’shua. Ask Him and He will answer, seek Him and you too, can find Him. There is no better time then now.